
Wednesday, December 16, 2009


what you see are the numbers. last in the HDI. High maternal and infant mortality rate. filthiest city, worst atrocities committed in a conflict.
what i see is the humanity. The way they love and cherish knowledge, the way they can't stop smiling. The way a 6 yr old would faultlessly recite the national pledge or anthem even though not in their first language. There love for dancing, fun and children
My country does not need me, She does not need the United Nations, the African Union or any Western Nation to lift it out of its current quagmire and escort it into the benefits of the 21st century.
what it needs is a fervent belief that action must be taken and must be taken now if our beloved is to survive the ails that it continues to suffer from.
What it needs is a caring partner. Not a dominant partner who charts the way for her and expects her to follow those steps to the letter, but one that is there purely as a guide.
One She can lean on when the going gets tough. one to tell her that she can do it when the belief starts to wane and one whose shoulder she can cry on when those eventual bumps and hardships in the path to progress are arrived at.
One who when the task of uprooting us from the 19th century and catapulting us into the 21st century is completed will not be there to collect dues for its help, in the form of concessions, loan payments and interests payments but will be proud to say I knew you would do it...Congratulations. You did it on your own.

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