
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Arguably one thing that Sierra Leoneans are never short of is an opinion. We can always find a way to argue about football and politics. Therefore it was no surprise to me when i received an invite to join a yahoo forum almost a couple of years ago. The moderator, Emmanuel Saffa Abdullah of Fourah Bay College and Auradicals fame, presently the Executive Director of Society for Democratic Initiatives Sierra Leone is the moderator and my acquaintance with him provided me with an impetus to be a member of such an exciting endeavor.

I was not disappointed as on membership alone the forum (Forum of Information Sierra Leone FOISL)boasts a significant cross section of the Sierra Leonean community. Those who have had a starring role in the political history of our country, those who hold the well being of our nation in their political hands and the pretenders to the offices of the President, seats of parliament and offices of cabinet ministers in the foreseeable future. University administrators and professors, Media consultants and moguls, Legal Practitioners, Democracy, youth and child advocates and activists, students and professors.

Discussions ranging from the history, contents and proposed resolutions of the Black and wide divide at FBC campus to the history, ideals, perceived failures and successes of the SLPP and the APC, from Panafricanism to Socialism in Sierra Leone, with constant updates of the Special court trials as well as an explanation and constant updates of the proposed Freedom of information Law and discussions on Seditious Libel Laws. It not only broke the news complete with reactions when there were skirmishes between the ruling APC and SLPP but also did the same at the initial conclusion of the Bumbuna Hydro Electric project. Tribalism and Nepotism were lamented and strides were made to identify why these are issues we have to contend with.

The forum hasn't been without its light moments, jokes once in a while interrupt bitter discourses and humorous responses to posts always make one laugh and allow you to sit back and reflect on the basic premises of the argument. Poetry also rears its head once in a while.

Like all other forums also there have been personal squabbles. one or two members were even mad enough to leave the forum but i guess the pull of the forum is too strong as they always end up back in the forum in one capacity or the other. The ravings about western impudence and imperialism, criticisms and appraisals of other African leaders and alternate proposals for the use of tour African resources, slavery, Blood diamond and fatalism are as the other posts which extol the virtues of statesmen like President Barack Obama, Kofi Annan and President Nelson Mandela.

The underlining positive about this forum is that it serves as one way to remind all the sons and daughters of Sierra Leone about their mother Sierra Leone.Personally i cannot help but think about the country whenever i wake up check my email and discover the numerous people who although we may not share the same views all still hold Sierra Leone Dear.

Sierra Leone is presently at a dangerous precipice. We can either chose to back up from the brink of maladministration, and all the vile that it has served us these past few decades or continue to implement the same policies that brought us to the face of this overhang. Part of the changes we can make would be the full utilization of Sierra Leone's Human resources. Admittedly Sierra Leone's Human resources are scattered all around the world (one of the benefits of globalization), therefore this forum works well in accumulating all of it in one place. Hopefully freedom of information continues to remind us of what makes us all Sierra Leoneans, an acceptance of the alternate view even as we hold our principles dear. Principles like Patriotism, Nationalism and Brotherly love.

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