
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As Africans, one of the things we master real quick is the usual rhetoric about advocating change in Africa so the children can have a brighter future than we have witnessed. In this stride we have mastered all the usual lines...the older generation have destroyed our present through corruption and malfeasance...the Western World have thrived on our exploitation, first from our people, then from our natural resources and even now for our brain... The western world is scared of competition so they are in opposition to a United Africa...A united Africa has more obstacles in its way every day new resources are discovered in Africa. These and many others have been used even when we go hat in hand begging the western world for donations, and loans we continually are unable to pay back after which we go back and beg that we be excused from repaying the loans. The same rhectorics we spout when we are trying to con the Western students from their lunch money in the guise of improving life conditions for African children.

When therefore we find an avenue in which we can prevent the current malaise from spreading to the future generation and channel our energies for change we should grasp said opportunities with as much passion as we show when we are seeking remedial solutions for Africas situation.

The African Leadership Academy is one such opportunity. Founded in 2008,
African Leadership Academy (ALA) seeks to transform Africa by developing and supporting future generations of African leaders. It brings together the most promising 15-18 year old leaders from all 54 African nations and beyond for an innovative two-year program designed to prepare each student for a lifetime of leadership on the continent. Students are selected to attend the Academy based on merit alone and complete an innovative curriculum with a unique focus on leadership, entrepreneurship, and African studies. ALA graduates will attend the world’s finest universities and will lead Africa toward a peaceful and prosperous future.

Like many other great endeavors it has its inception in the United States, It has as its partner, the African Leadership FOundation, a US 501(c)(3) non profit organization that seeks to develop young leaders and entrepreneurs for the African continent. The Primary difference between this and the other innitiatives that you may be involved in is that the other innitiatives , in
the words of ALFs President, "too often we invest in addressing the symptoms of bad leadership in Africa: we give blankets, food and medicine to those impacted by war poverty and famine. BUt these efforts will never stop unless we develop leaders who prevent wars from occuring in the first place, enterprenaurs who create jobs and scientists who sustainably increase food
production and distribution."

As a non-profit organization, ALA needs help and support to function. In particular our help and support. You can make a tax deductible donation at the African Leadership Foundation's website( A donation no matter how little that will support the development of young African Leaders. I gave, will you join me?

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