
Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Until I could differentiate between fear and reverence, I never knew whether fear is good or bad. At my age which is more than most people would guess I have come to realize that few things are inherently good or bad, there is always space for compromise, therefore it came as no surprise for me that there can be good and bad fear.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, fear God and keep his commandments, all these and more lead me to respect this fear, the good fear, meaning reverence, but is this the only kind of good fear? What about the fear that leads you to action, or in some cases inaction.

The world today is rife with fear, the fear for the future. As much as parents today would love to believe that they are entitled to more fear because of their care for their children, it is inarguable that all stratums of society have their own fears. At school, fear is instilled in you, whether it is so that you will work hard to get good grades for college, act carefully so you can get a good job, or just so you don't soil your family's name or reputation is in my opinion no way different. At the workplace, fear of failing to receive that monthly check propels you to work harder, and even in relationships that are destined to failure will hold for a long time, if the partners are afraid of been lonely.

What about cowardice? Inasmuch as it deters you from acting or propels you to perform some action because of the repercussions, then it is in some manner, fear. However because cowardice and fear are defined according to perceptions, things are never really certainly determined one way or another.

What am I afraid of? I am afraid of been a failure, a lot of people have put far too much into me, or are expecting a whole lot more from me for me to let them down. Afraid of success that I will be so much of a success that I forget to help those who need it. Afraid of the future, that situations have been left to deteriorate far too much by the older generation and that our generation will not have the adequate capability or resources to turn this tide. Afraid of the past, for it holds so many secrets that can stop us from going forward. Afraid of love, for my heart is too weak and easily broken. Afraid of not loving, for life is too long to be spent with just oneself. Afraid of progress, for it entails the cutting down of fresh obstacles. Afraid of staying put, for the world will still go on without me.

In all my fears however, there are some things that are certain, I am a man, made by God, for a reason, loved by my family, that special one and friends, A sojourning African.

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