
Friday, April 2, 2010

Clean Up the World {Sierra Leone, 1995/1996}...Mr Mason

Sierra Leone is our home and together we must strive
for a better cleaner brighter home tomorrow
and sierra leone will be our home when together we all strive
for a better cleaner brighter home tomorrow

yes we can make it when we care enough for the living
when we dip our hands
in the street and the lanes
make it clear

Live a better way
when we learn to change this while situation
just look around you
there's work enough to be done
when we start to clean just you and me.

And our god will give a smile on this great change we have made,
the moon and stars and the sun will guide us all the way
and everyone great or small in this little land of ours
will have to grow and live in a better day

yes we can make it if we care enough for the littering
when we clean our homes
and we clean our schools
make it right

live in a better day
and make sierra leone a healthy nation
just look around you
there's a lot enough to be done
when we start to clean just you and me.

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