
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paying the Pledge to Africa of our lives, fortunes and sacred honor

The one thing the framers of the declaration of independence of the United States and those who fought for and advocated for a free and independent Africa have in common, is their willingness to lay down their life, their fortune and sacred honor towards the realization of their collective dream.

"...And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." US Declaration of Independence.

“…We want all men to know that we shall maintain and contend for the freedom and equality of every man, woman and child of our race, with our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor…” Marcus Garvey.

The difference is that most of the men who made the above pledge on the declaration of independence not only possessed strong beliefs of those words, but they most often paid for the signature of the Declaration with their, life, fortune and sacred honor. We have the unparralleled opportunity to do the same for our land and her people. The best speeches have been made, the issues aired and the challenges thrown. All we have to do now as a people is bear the cost for the development of Africa. Doing this with the knowledge that to make the ultimate sacrifice for our land is not so much a sacrifice as an opportunity. An opporrtunity to leave our children a better legacy than we were endowed with. We may not be universally recognised for our action, but our siblings and their loved ones will be living the benefits of our sacrifice.

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