
Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Knew you back when....

I knew you back when "butterscotch" en popcorn was what we spent our lunch money on.
I knew you back when "tombi en smokefish" were the energizer for the walk to school.
I knew you back when game boy and hand tennis was how we occupied ourselves during lunch.
I knew you back when "granat cake en benni cake" was our favourite snack on the walk home from school.
I knew you back when "brade en pamine" was our PBandJ" sandwich.
I knew you back when we could not survive "satiday" without "obiata, shapka en tola".
I knew you back when "kushu tatoo en Pegapack" was our way of expressing our teenage rebellion.
I knew you back when "kecking" was so we could go to the swimming pool.
I knew you back when "intersec en boxing day sports" were our favourite sporting outings.
I knew you back when Caesar cried "et tu Brute" and all Beckyln cried with him. I knew you back when "ogaman" started selling music lyrics on paper.
I knew you back when "ogaman" made valentines easy by selling le1000 cards albeit with often misspelled words.
I knew you back when excitement about confirmation was because of the after party.
I knew you back when excitement about confirmation was because we had to go to the big church.
I knew you back when the excitement about prizegiving was who we could have a fight with so we could save our money from buying more invitations.
I knew you back when the excitement about Thanksgiving was how many times i could get away with not having any coat to give my girlfriend after the match when she saw me with a coat on during the march.
I knew you back when all i had was me and all you had you still do have.
now what have you got to say about that? I guess you could say you knew me back then too, cause that's the only way my memory would be complete.

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