
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moral Bankruptcy of the Fourth Estate

The media business must be the easiest job in the world. Find a popular figure, prop him/her up as a shining example of humanity, follow their every move and bless them with column inches. At the first allegation of indiscretion, crucify the person, not on moral grounds (because lets face it, the media is as morally corrupt as any criminal enterprise out there), but on the basis of the individual been an example for the young. Not satisfied with the initial embarrassment, the media then provides huge financial incentives for other media hungry whores to come out of the woodwork and make further allegations and before long even the use of the word "allegedly" becomes redundant as these people's reputations are then assassinated never with the hope of been revived because after the destruction of an icon the press moves on to repeat the cycle of building up someone just for that person to be torn to shreds in the near future by the same press. At this rate no one will fault popular figures for their distrust and distaste of the media.

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