
Friday, February 20, 2009




I told you I'm sorry
but i never told you why
all those times i saw you
but never said hi
all those times i walked by with another girl right in front of your house
all those times i pissed on your hospitality by ogling other girls at your events
as time passes without acknowledgment so did i pass our time together
for all those times i caused other girls to disrespect you in your school
for all the tears i caused you to shed
all the indignity and disrespect i put you through
I can only say with deepest regrets that I'm sorry.

Not sorry for the time we spent together
The endless hours we spent under the cashew tree
Sharing meaningless stories together with family histories
Not sorry for our clumsy first kiss
It was my first too

This Christmas
all i want from Santa
Is the granting of my foremost wish
That you will accept my apologies
That we will still be friends without the awkwardness
that we will start anew

and i know Santa will consider these wishes
because as much as i have been naughty this year
when ranked with how naughty i was those past years
I aspire to nothing but nicety
except of course when i think about how naughty
i want to be with you

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