It is how we feel when
all our desires from the basest needs to the highest wants
the desire for acceptance, importance
the need to matter
the need for safety and companionship
are met all at the same time.
It is how we feel when someone always seems to
stroke our ego
make us feel most important
be the one to whom we can narrate our accomplishment without boast
and in whose accomplishment we can share without guilt
It is how we feel about someone who we relate to be
the mighty lioness capable of protecting the cubs
the dexterous gardener cultivating the sweet smelling rose garden
It is
a hand to hold while skipping down the street
a mind to pick and share ideas with, without always been defensive
It is someone
Whose name denotes a smile because you're always doing exactly that when your memory is touched by her presence and much more so when the other senses bear witness to what the mind has been feeling all the time
Someone to whom you can give your best friend's seat without a moment's hesitation from you or him
It is near and dear
Hard to find and harder still to keep
I have found it, have you?